GB 2763-2021 Standard for maximum residue limits of pesticides in Food
Home Pesticide name Food name Exempted pesticides 简体中文 English GB 2763-2019 GB 2763-2016
current location:Food category

1 Preparation instructions:
This database is compiled according to GB 2763-2021 and GB 2763.1-2022 standard text, and data processing is carried out according to the food classification table in the appendix of GB 2763-2021, so that the subordinate food classification can query the maximum residue inherited from all superior food categories. This database provides query information as timely and accurately as possible. This query result is for reference only, and the specific information is subject to the standard text of GB 2763-2021 and GB 2763.1-2022.
Announcement No. 736 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China, starting from June 1, 2024, the registration of products containing omethoate, carbofuran, methomyl and aldicarb preparations will be revoked, production will be prohibited, and sales and use will be prohibited from June 1, 2026.

2 Standard Description:
This standard is applicable to foods related to the limit. The food category and determination part (see Appendix A) are used to define the application scope of the maximum residue limit of pesticides, which is only applicable to this standard.
If the maximum residue limit of a certain pesticide is applied to a certain food category, all foods under that food category are applicable, unless otherwise specified.
The list of pesticides exempted from the standard of maximum residue limits in food (see Appendix B) is used to define the scope where the maximum residue limits of pesticides in food do not need to be established.

3 terms and definitions:
3.1 residue definition
  Any specific substance that appears in food, agricultural products and animal feed due to the use of pesticides, including pesticide derivatives that are considered to have toxicological significance, such as pesticide conversions, metabolites, reaction products and impurities.
3.2 maximum residue limit (MRL)
  The maximum legally permitted pesticide concentration inside or on the surface of food or agricultural products is expressed in milligrams of pesticide residues per kilogram of food or agricultural products (mg/kg).
3.3 extraneous maximum residue limit (EMRL)
  Although some persistent pesticides have been banned, they still exist in the environment for a long time, thus forming residues in food again. In order to control the pollution of such pesticide residues to food, the residue limit in food is formulated, which is expressed in milligrams of pesticide residues per kilogram of food or agricultural products (mg/kg).
3.4 acceptable daily intake (ADI)
  The daily intake of a substance for human life without producing an estimated amount of detectable health hazards, expressed in terms of the amount of intake per kilogram of body weight (mg/kg bw).

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